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Great Alne Parish Council

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Rural Affordable Housing in Great Alne

Update - June 2024

Following the consultation throughout March and April on the initial list of sites, the WRCC has prepared the following report on residents' feedback. This Report will be carefully considered by the parish council. You will note a reference to 'additional sites' at the end of the report; as part of the community response, a Great Alne resident provided a map suggesting a number of sites, and the Rural Housing Enabler was approached directly by a landowner with a site not yet investigated. The next step is the Rural Housing Enabler will investigate these further sites and provide a separate report to the parish council with regard to the general suitability of them. A further community consultation may then be required if any of these sites appear to be suitable. At the end of any further consultation, the parish council will then prepare a detailed list of criteria against which all of the preferred sites will be assessed with a view to shortlisting the sites.

In March 2023, and in collaboration with the Warwickshire Rural Community Council (WRCC), Great Alne Parish Council (GAPC) undertook a Housing Needs Survey that was physically delivered to all dwellings in the parish, as well as being available online. The main purpose of the survey was to assess the need for new affordable homes in the parish, and it was specifically targeted at those with a local connection to the parish or who would like to return to live in this parish.

Once the responses had been collated, our Rural housing Enabler at the WRCC prepared a report on the analysis. The WRCC identified a need in Great Alne for sixteen homes for households with a local connection. Eleven of these were housing association rental properties and five were owner occupier. The type of property required included nine one bed flats/maisonettes, three houses and four bungalows. There are also sixteen households registered on the local housing waiting list for properties in Great Alne.

Therefore, GAPC is looking to establish a small-scale development of up to sixteen homes near to the amenities of the main village.

Following this report, GAPC instructed WRCC to investigate potential sites. These sites were based on investigations undertaken with GAPC in 2012 and land proposed to GAPC by land agents. The WRCC provided comments concerning the suitability of sites to GAPC in August 2023. GAPC then asked the Rural Housing Enabler to carry out further investigation. Discussions were undertaken with several landowners and five sites were identified where the landowner had expressed a willingness to work with the community for the provision of affordable homes; to answer the need identified in the March 2023 survey report. Please note this is just a general site location exercise and none of the five possible sites will be completely taken up by the development.

These sites were put to the community at the Community Action Day on 2nd March. The documents that were presented to residents are attached for information:

All residents are encouraged to review the documentation and use the form to rate the proposed sites. The form also has space for further questions or comments. Please return completed forms to the WRCC at and the Clerk at

We are inviting comments on this initial list of sites through till Monday 8th April 2024.

The Rural Housing Enabler will then prepare a report for GAPC on residents' feedback which will be carefully considered. GAPC will then prepare a detailed list of criteria against which all of the preferred sites will be assessed with a view to shortlisting the sites.

All parts of the process and relevant information will be transparent and publicly available; residents will be consulted and have an opportunity to engage at all stages during the process.

GAPC is seeking community support for this small rural housing development of up to sixteen homes. Our previous housing needs survey in 2012 led to the Linfoot Oaks development, which has been a success story for all involved. GAPC is keen to replicate this success, keeping control of the scale, nature and design of the small development. We are very mindful of concerns such as flooding, protection of wildlife, traffic and speeding – but we also have a duty to provide affordable housing to those people with a local connection to Great Alne and to provide them with an opportunity to live here.

Printed 27 July 2024 at 16:50 hrs by